Crop Production, Animal Production & Fisheries

ADAFAR, based in Cameroon, transforms agriculture through evidence-based support, innovative solutions, and capacity development. We provide data-driven insights to inform agricultural policies and investments, while harnessing the potential of sustainable agriculture through applied research, education, and technologies.

Our Pillars

Innovative and sustainable solutions to agricultural challenges

Evidence-based support for decisions, for policies, investments in agriculture

Support agricultural learning institutions and policy makers

Capacity development across the agricultural value chains

Our Vison

ADAFAR envisions being the leading professional body for agriculture, fishery, and animal resources development for sustainable food security and livelihoods in Central Africa.

Our Mission

Our mission is to facilitate agriculture, fishery, and animal resources production professionals and stakeholders in acquiring and utilizing cutting-edge knowledge and technologies for sustainable livestock development, food security, and wealth creation. We achieve our mission through evidence-based advocacy and engaging different key stakeholders to influence change.

Partners & Collaborators

Contribution to the SDGs

We contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals: